neuro science
How & Why
works for You
How & Why
works for You


neuroscientific belief

Your brain controls your body

MyBodyzBetter is two programs.

BetterMindzBody for calm emotional responses

BetterBrainzBody for posture, balance & coordination

The problem is not in your body but in the software running your body. This software was built by your subconscious mind during infancy. All of this software is designed to help you survive. Your brain’s lymbic center stores emotional memories. While many of these memories are pleasant, when they are built around dangers your subconscious mind believes could harm you, it develops a You Need to Be Ready strategy and tightens some of your muscles. Imagine seeing a tiger walking down the street, you would naturally go on high alert. When you turn on the muscles to close your hand, you turn off the muscles that open your hand. This is done to protect the joints and works most of the time. Your weak muscles are being kept from turning on inside your brain. However, this muscular imbalance pulls the bones in your spine out of alignment. You need to use extra muscles stand without falling over. These muscles are turned on all the time. It is a little like stepping on the brakes while stepping on the gas. Those muscles are holding parts of you back. This is why exercise can be more difficult for many people.

Your motor cortex controls your movements

So, BetterMindzBody focuses on coordinating how your muscles move your bones. As your muscles become more organized, your posture improves. This instantly makes any exercise you want to do easier. Those software programs inside your motor cortex are called Remembered Action Memory Sets(RAMS). RAMS are built to control thousands of muscles in hundreds of movements. You build RAMS by repeating movements and parts of movements hundreds of times using trial and error making minor adjustments as you perfect the movement. This is how you taught yourself to stand, walk, run, and feed yourself. All these movements are intimately tied to our survival.

Our Muscles Move Our Bones

The primary function of muscles is to adjust the mechanical structure of your bones based on the actions you need to improve your survival, whether it is walking, running or feeding ourselves.

How You Learned to Move

As an infant, you reached for a glass of water and knocked it over. A few times later, you could grab the glass, but tipped it too soon and poured the water on you. Over and over you practiced and gradually through trial and error, you perfected the movement. Finally, you could easily lift the glass, bring it to your lips, and drink without spilling.

To learn to do these simple looking movements, you needed extremely complex programs your home-made Remembered Action Memory Sets(RAMS) to move your bones. Whenever you want to perform an action, your conscious mind creates an intention to move and your subconscious calls up one of these RAMS from the hundreds of Remembered Action Memory Sets that closely matches the need or intention and it runs that specific program. This can be as simple as picking up a glass or taking a step.

How You Create Tight Muscles

However, if, for any reason, your subconscious mind believes your life is threatened, your re-action will be one of flight or fight. These triggers can be very small and seem to your conscious mind as unimportant. But nearly everyone finds themselves repeating the same things over and over again with the Conscious Mind unable to change the behavior. Your subconscious mind is doing its best to protect your life.

Your subconscious mind’s habits & beliefs

automatically control your actions & re-actions

This is especially true when your subconscious mind believes you are in danger. For example: when you fall down the stairs and tense up, and you do not die, your subconscious mind believes tightening up your body saved your life. Athletes, like gymnasts and martial artists, know from experience your chance of surviving a fall with no injury improves when you relax completely. The police have thousands of cases where a person completely drunk survived totaling their car without injury because they were completely relaxed. We do not recommend you try this in real life because plenty of people die while driving drunk.
Your mal-adapted RAMS can be adjusted through BetterMindzBody.

All falling is a traumatic emotional event

However, relaxing when you are falling feels counter-intuitive because your subconscious mind developed the habit of tensing up anytime you felt like you were starting to fall. Because you did not die this habit has become a belief tensing up when you fall saves your life. Your subconscious mind thinks tensing is the only choice. When you consciously train to relax while falling, and your subconscious learns it is better to relax when falling. Over time, your subconscious mind learns this new belief.

For long term change in your mind and body

You must change the unconscious habits and beliefs in your brain.

BetterMindzBody improves your mental flexibility

Your conscious mind, the part that reasons, is interested in the quality of your life For a short time, your conscious mind can override your subconscious mind’s habits. Standing up straighter is an excellent example. You pull yourself into a position you think looks like Standing Up Straighter. Your conscious mind uses willpower to override, holding those muscle in that position, but willpower is exhaustible. When it comes to reacting to what your subconscious mind thinks is danger, your conscious mind is like a 100 pound man riding a 12,000 pound elephant. You can use willpower to not eat a food that is bad for you, take a drink, or hold an unnatural position, but when your conscious mind’s willpower is exhausted, your subconscious Elephant goes to where it Thinks the Peanuts Are. You return to the behavior your subconscious mind thinks is saving your life, even when your conscious mind knows this is not true.

BetterMindzBody uses simple tested techniques in the field of neuroscience to increase your number of choices. When you give your subconscious mind more choices, it chooses the one that works better.

BetterBrainzBody uses scientifically engineered movements

to improve your brain’s coordination of your muscles.

Your muscles primary purpose is to move your bones. Your bones are what make you strong, they are the framework of your body, like the structure of a building but moveable so you can reconfigure the structure depending on the situation. RAMS move your bones firing off thousands of muscle fibers in a very complex, timed, and coordinated pattern. This is how you can pick up that glass with just the right grip, move it towards your lips and tip it the correct amount at exactly the right moment. During all of this your muscles are moving your bones. Because you use over 1,000 muscle groups to stand and walk, to teach yourself while standing is the same as 500 language teachers teaching to you at the same time. This is why exercise programs do not create lasting changes in your body. Yoga, Pilates, and any other program has too much noise from fighting against gravity’s pull to make deep lasting changes in your brain.
We spent over 56 years perfecting how BetterMindzBody and BetterBrainzBody work in cooperation to give you deep lasting results quickly without pain, sweat, or strain. MyBodyzBetter teaches your brain to control your emotions and body.

BetterMindzBody trains your subconscious mind to relax your tight muscles, and BetterBrainzBody teaches your brain’s motor cortex to have the rich Remembered Action Memory Sets (RAMS) elegant posture and movements of a natural athlete. With a Better Brain you have a Better Body and a Better You.