neuro science
How & Why
works for You
How & Why
works for You

Power of Neuroplasticity

How & Why


makes a Better You

As neuroscientists, we know

Positive Beliefs & Improved Posture

are important in the treatment of depression.

you can fool your brain

To prove this to yourself do the following:

Stand 6 feet away from a wall,

slump your shoulders,

look where the wall meets the floor,

relax your jaw,

think of everything bad in your life

Now, feel what your body feels like.

Those are your depression’s

tight & weak muscles

Now, straighten your shoulders,

bring your ears in line with your shoulders,

lift your chest towards the ceiling,

look where the ceiling meets the wall,

put a huge grin on your face,

imagine you got great news.

This immediate change in your mood


when you change your posture

you change your brain's chemistry.

You showed yourself your posture’s importance.

You can actually fool your brain into feeling better,

This is fake it until you make it

The problem is fake does not last

MyBodyzBetter uses a simple principle,

Your Brain Controls Your Body


two systems work together.



your active conscious choice

for emotional maturity


gives you neuromuscular coordination

for graceful movement


elegant posture

your damaged emotional mind


your Tight & Weak Muscles

BetterMindzBody uses your proprioceptive loop

to clarify your emotional beliefs.

All Emotional Beliefs are learned behaviors.

This might sound crazy but

You taught your emotional beliefs to yourself

In most cases, these were taught to you

by your parents

other adults,

even older children

TV shows, religions, & society that

brainwash us into adopting

detrimental beliefs & behaviors.

Any of us with depression

created our depression

through our life experiences


belief building.

Most of this was done subconsciously

totally outside of our conscious thoughts

Most were done when we were infants

or small children under the age of eight.

We had not developed the coping

mechanisms we have as adults.

we did our best but now understand

these beliefs need improvement.

You are here because you want

to improve the quality of life you are living.

When you encountered an emotionally stressful event,

your subconscious mind tried something,

and you did not die!

Your subconscious mind,

which is interested only in your survival

decided that was a successful solution,

whether it was or not.

Anytime something similar happened

your subconscious mind tried that same solution

and when you did not die,

your subconscious mind developed The Belief

this was The Only Thing To Do!

This is how you built your

Emotional Beliefs and Habitual Behaviors.

Your Tight Muscles are

muscles your brain is

always keeping turned on


Your subconscious mindbelieves

keeping those muscles tight

will make you safer.

Because of that belief,

you lost control

to turn them on and off at will.

BetterMindzBody is like

meditation on steroids

We use specific binaural beats

to create alpha & theta brainwaves.

This is where

your deepest creative learning

takes place.

BetterMindzBody helps you

quickly develop multiple responses

to emotionally charged events.

You break apart your compulsive reactions.

The coolest part is

No One needs to know

what these beliefs are.

They are yours,

you never need to tell anyone.

MyBodyzBetter gives you

the tools & techniques

to solve your problems privately

In movement & posture

your subconscious mind,

operates all your muscles using

Remembered Action Memory Sets (REMS)

These are complex, timed stored programs

you use to take a step or lift a glass and drink


uses gentle movements so easy

people in their 80s can do them

Using these

scientifically engineered movements

you teach your brain’s motor cortex


quickly develop richer

Remembered Action Memory Sets

and more complete control over your body.

This uses the same system you used as a baby

to learn to move, stand & walk.

BetterBrainzBody is like combining

yoga, Pilates, and meditation together.

BetterBrainzBody uses small variations,

To quickly develop richer REMS to use.

you immediately


how you stand & walk automatically!

Your confidence rises.

sports become easier.

You move with the elegant,

graceful ease of a natural athlete.

When you regain that control

using BetterBrainzBody,

you become stronger without lifting weights

because your muscles all work together.


requires absolutely

No Sweat and No Strain


you teach your Brain!

No sweat & strain is so important,

you will be reminded over and over

during the program not to stretch, or

that doing the movement larger

does not produce a better result.

We know this sounds counter-intuitive

but this type of learning only takes place

in complete comfort.

Stretching of any kind,

even the good stretches all of us do

like when we get out of bed

or stand up after sitting for a long time,

will stop your proprioceptive feedback loop

from learning how to move

with better control and coordination.

Even good stretching will only teach you

what that stretch feels like,

which is in some shape or form painful,

good stretches produce what we call

good pain, that is a form of discomfort.

MyBodyzBetter has spent over fifty years

developing, and perfecting

this revolutionary way of

teaching our minds and brains.

It has been tested on over 7,000 people

Trust us when we say,

Zero Stretching and Zero Straining!

Reversing depression permanently

can only be done

through a combination of a healthy diet,

we recommend mostly plant-based

with a B12 supplement

to change

our intestinal biome which is our second brain


our brain chemistry,

then repairing our damaging beliefs

using BetterMindzBody

or cognitive behavioral therapy,

along with improved postural habits

using BetterBrainzBody

and moderate exercise.

While yoga and Pilates

are excellent forms of exercise,

they will never give you

the lasting results of BetterBrainzBody

because they do not change

your brain’s motor cortex directly

BetterBrainzBody doesn’t change your body

We improve how

Your Brain Controls Your Body

after that, your body gets better

after MyBodyzBetter

we recommend you do any exercise

you love to do

once you have developed the rich

REMS with BetterBrainzBody

exercise becomes easier & more fun

when you are more coordinated.

we believe dance is the single best

aerobic exercise because it combines

music you love with full body movement.

Because you are forming new habits

Best to follow this one rule

Don’t Give Up! Just Start Again.

You may need to start again one hundred times.

if you do this,

you will shift your mindset

it is easier each time you repeat.

Our goal is for you to say MyBodyzBetter!